The Basics of Solution Sales and Winning Orders

The Basics of Solution Sales and Winning Orders

The number of ‘experts’ proffering advise on ‘how to… convert your prospects into customers in three easy steps, make them realise how important your product is, offer incentives to close the deal, create a sense of urgency etc. etc. but they all miss out a vital step. Let me outline a basic scenario.
You have made contact with a potential prospect and they have agreed to speak with you. Great!
So using the variety of advice given above you start to pitch…
You talk about how great your product is, you offer it at a special price, give a time limit on that special price and explain why you thought it was an opportunity not to be missed. So does he buy it?
Probably not, but why not?
Simple, unless you had identified a problem which needed to be fixed, he didn’t have a real need or a reason to buy.
No need, no purchase.
Just because you think it’s good for their business, it’s a great product and it’s at a special never to be repeated price is not a good enough reason for that company to invest their hard earned cash.
– So with every client you have to find that need.

– Uncover and link problems he or his staff are experiencing and start to build a picture using open questions that demand more than a yes or no answer: what, why, when, who, how.

However, uncovering a problem is only useful providing you can gain agreement that it needs to be fixed.

– So get them to tell you why it is so important to get each problem resolved.

Every good sales person will tell you that in order to succeed and win business you have to do your homework. It is essential to talk to the customer about his business before you offer anything. Only then will you have the problems and needs isolated to fully support your solution. Offer it too soon and your credibility and the sale is lost.
Eventually, you can discuss with true understanding your customers real business issues and their impact. Through questioning, get him to tell you what it means if these issues are allowed to continue. Focus the customer on his problems and establish the need to get it resolved. Only then can you start to put together a plan which highlights how your product can meet those needs and improve his business.
Be different from your competitors, place yourself in a consultative role where your customer feels confident in trusting your advice and expertise.
I will be sharing a number of free ‘How to’ articles on:

prospecting, client meetings, call evaluation and proposals.

These guides will provide an alternative approach to gaining new and repeat business that has worked incredibly well for me and will do the same for you.

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